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SternPerch® Sailboat Seats
SternPerch Pads & Cushions Rail Kit Installation List Pattern Instuctions Seat Installation Instuctions Order Form
SternPerch® Pattern Instructions
If we do not have a pattern for your boat, here is how you can assist us:

On a piece of cardboard or heavy paper, trace the outline of the lower rail where the seat will be attached, (see illustration below). Cut around the stanchion if necessary. Note - the largest seat size (including drink holder is 20” x 26” wide.

Take 2-3 pictures of where the seat will be located. First picture should be shooting down on the stern rail. Take the second picture from a horizontal position showing the seat location and what is underneath the seat. The third picture will be holding the cardboard pattern in place on the rail.

After confirming the receipt of your order, we will design the seat according to your pattern. We build drink holders into all seats. If you wish the drink holder to be on a particular side, or need a special cutout made, let us know.

You will receive the seat ready to place on the rail with the attached clamps. The only thing you will need to do is cut down the oversized support leg so it will fit between the underside of the seat and deck, coaming, etc. These legs are supplied with soft enc caps. Proper fittings and hardware are included for attaching to underside of seat.

Fold or cut pattern to fit into a large envelope. We will piece the pattern back together. Include pictures and any special instructions. Instructions and Pictures can also be emailed.

30 day customer satisfaction guarantee.

Always feel free to call us at 800-877-4797 if you have any questions.
SternPerch pattern diagram
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